Survive seasonal slumps (and maintain a healthy bottom line) in your Pilates studio with these strategic and simple cost-saving measures.

For Pilates studio owners, summers can be tough. With vacations, outdoor activities, and changing routines, class attendance often declines, and an overall revenue decrease often follows. This can feel unnerving, especially if you’re still establishing your business and client base. 

As a long-time Pilates studio owner, I’ve navigated these seasonal ebbs and flows for a number of years. Over time, I’ve developed tried and true methods for utilizing the slower summer months not only to improve my business (and myself as an instructor) but cut significant costs to maintain a healthy bottom line year-round. If, like me, you never want to sacrifice the quality of your classes or the character of your studio, consider implementing a few of these simple practices this summer to save without devaluing your services. You might be surprised at how much is being spent unnecessarily.

  1. Adjust Class Schedules

Longer days, better weather, and more sunlight bring with them a different daily rhythm for many people, especially those with children at home. Regular clients may have different working hours, or spend more time outdoors, causing some class times to be underbooked. Throughout the years, I have learned to keep a close eye on booking patterns and adjust accordingly to meet the shifting needs of my clients. 

  • Merge classes. If two classes are consistently underbooked, combining them can save on utilities and instructor fees without diminishing the client experience.
  • Introduce summer-specific offerings. Seasonal classes that embrace the summer vibe, such as Sunrise Pilates or special outdoor sessions, can attract new clients without requiring more resources. 
  • Shift your staff. As your schedule changes, so should your staff schedule. Reducing or changing hours can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line, but be sure not to compromise the level of service quality. This is also an opportunity for you to offer your team more vacation days and greater flexibility. 


  1. Start a Summer Loyalty Program

Just like your local library’s summer reading program, a few special summer programs can keep clients engaged during the entire off-season. 

  • Create a summer challenge: Introduce a fun challenge where clients earn points for attending new classes, referring friends, sharing on social media, or accomplishing a new skill level. Points can be redeemed for future discounts or prizes like an individual session, new equipment, etc. 
  • Offer specific summer memberships: Summer is a great time to expand your client base by offering a more affordable membership to those that may be interested but not ready to go all in. Offering a summer pass at a discounted rate can help guarantee revenue upfront, streamline operations, and increase engagement.


  1. Reduce Utility Expenses

With the days becoming warmer and longer, summer is full of opportunities to save on energy costs in your studio. 

  • Utilize natural ventilation: Open windows and use fans to create a comfortable atmosphere without entirely relying on air conditioning. 
  • Embrace the natural light: Opening blinds and curtains to take advantage of the extended daylight hours saves on electricity and creates an inviting environment.
  • Don’t skip the small, energy-saving practices: Simple things, like turning off the lights and equipment when they are not in use, as well as turning down the AC overnight, can make a big impact on your end-of-month bills. 


  1. Add Virtual Class Options

Embracing tech has enabled me to service clients in flexible and cost-effective ways. 

  • Offer virtual classes: Offering virtual classes can keep clients engaged without the overhead of physical space. There are countless platforms on which you can host virtual classes without paying a large price. 
  • Create on-demand content: Creating a library of virtual content, such as summer-themed sessions, will allow your client to practice at their convenience, allowing you to reach more clients with no additional costs. 


  1. Streamline Staffing

Reducing or shifting staff hours can lead to significant savings without compromising service quality. This is also an opportunity for you to offer your team more vacation days and greater flexibility.

  •  Adjust instructor hours: You can significantly reduce unnecessary instructor costs by consolidating small classes and keeping a close eye on attendance numbers.
  • Consider part-time staff: Hiring part-time staff allows for greater flexibility while cutting down on significant payroll expenses.


  1. Reevaluate Subscriptions and Services

When was the last time you took a hard look at all of your monthly expenses? The slower season offers time to review recurring expenses and services and cut out any waste.

  • Review monthly subscriptions: Take a hard look at studio management and marketing software to ensure they match current needs. Downgrading or switching to a more cost-effective option might be possible.
  • Negotiate better contracts: Contacting your service providers to negotiate, or looking at alternative options for cleaning, maintenance or equipment can lead to big savings – you never know unless you ask.


Running a Pilates studio requires a close eye on fluctuations in client flow and constant adaptation to changing conditions. With these simple but effective measures, I’ve managed to keep a stable bottom line during all seasons of the year without changing the quality or heart of my practice. 

The summer season doesn’t have to be a season of stress and can lead to needed changes in how you run your business. A brief slowdown can be a great opportunity to find inefficiencies, optimize workflows, and recover from burnout. By sharing these insights from my years of experience, I hope to encourage other studio owners to find their own unique ways of dealing with the cyclical changes in the industry, allowing studios to flourish. And if you’re looking for ways to add profits, reach out and let’s talk about bringing Pilates teacher training to your studio!